



お久しぶりです。 2ヶ月ぶりのブログ更新です。 今回の舞台は、、、憧れのフランス、パリ。 誰しも一度はパリに憧れたことがあるのではないでしょうか。 パリと聞いて頭に浮かぶのは、エッフェル塔、凱旋門(競馬が好きな人は凱旋門賞かも)、ルーブル美術館な…

迷いと後悔(Is the decision I made is right or not?)

3 weeks has passed since I came to Belgium. How quickly the time goes always surprises me. I heard that Bansyu autumn festiva has started in my village. Today, I'd like to talk about my thought. It would be boring because I'll just write m…

I had a trouble...

Hi! It's been a week since I posted the latest blog even though I planned to post every day at first. It's sometimes as cold in Ghent as on December in Japan. Seriously. Moreover, although I don't wanna make an excuse, I've been busy with …

What I and foreign students have in common with is ....to eat food. (食べることは世界共通)

Hello, I haven't posted for several days. (because I spent almost all my time into cooking and registration for staying in Ghent. Surprisingly, It's been a week since I said goodbye to my parents and co-workers in Japan. You might think th…

A little courage turned my life happy! (とにかく勇気を出して話しかける大切さ)

Good morning. I'm Mebaru. How is it going in Japan? It's too cold today here to go out without thin clothes. My app tells me that it's 9 degree. How cold it is even in September! Does this cold weather come from a bit higher latitude than …

Consecutive surprising days 1~3日目 (from the day I arrived at Ghent to Welcome days)

Dag! This is greeting in Dutch. I learned from the book which I bought in Japan.( However I haven't read yet. Just 1st chapter for now hahaha) Let get started! Today' s blog is about what I saw and experienced since I arrived here. Sep.18t…

留学始まりました! My styudying abroad has just started!

Self Introduction&Resolution I'm a college student and study business administration, mainly corporate finance,at a university which is located in western part of Japan. What I like to do in my freetime are tennis, going fishing for gettin…