

迷いと後悔(Is the decision I made is right or not?)

 3 weeks has passed since I came to Belgium.

How quickly the time goes always  surprises me. I heard that Bansyu  autumn festiva has started in my village.



Today, I'd like to talk about my thought. It would be boring because I'll just write my complaint...So, if you don't like to see my complaint, you had better stop reading here. 


At first, I regret having studied abroad in Ghent.

You might think that how lazy  I am or  I shouldn't  complain too much because I made decision to go to Belgium.


TRUE.  EXACTLY. I can't say anything back.


But, nobody said to me that Ghent uni is bad choise.

What made me think like this way?


I totally agree that ghent uni has more beautiful campus and is located in historical, beautiful city. Of course, I'm so happy that I made very good foreign friends!...


However, I'd like to point out some bad point which depress me these days.


 Firstly, I can't integrate myself into the culture in Belgium. In particular, I can't understand that people go out at night and scream together,drinking beer.

 Futhermore, what's worse is they throw away rubbish on the road,which causes bad smells next morning...

 DONT take it for granted that the roads in front of your home are always clean.


Secondy, there are few community that let foreign students belong.

I have lookeed for some organization which accept international students who can't speak Dutch.

 However they all require  me to communicate in Dutch!!!

Dutch is one of the most difficult languages in the world. 


I think that I need community or mission which I devote myself into and spend all my time and effort. 

I lost two great great great community(KIBER and part time job.)


KIBER SA was very demanding, sometimes forced me to prepare for the lecture without any sleep.

Sometimes it made me feel depressed.

However, I definitely think it's worth doing and the experience wouldn never fade away in my life.


Part time job at cram school also gave me warm community and invaluable experience. 

I literally love my job at cram school.

I can't describe the detail because the use of SNS regarding to cram school is  prohibited.

What's a pity is I had to give up teaching English  halfway. (受験には間に合うのはせめてもの救い)

To be honest, I wanna go back right now and teach again.


Nothing to say, I can't go back to Japan.

So, how do I overcome this?


I think the only way to get over myself is to find something like KIBER and part time job!

This is my conclusion. 

I hope I will find soon!! 


Good night!!  zzz


(the view from library is spectacular,right?)